December 19, 2016

Soulish & Psychic Prayers

This subject is something I’ve been dissecting and studying for 4 years now. GOD has given me much insight to this teaching. YOU must be alert.  

   SOULISH & PSYCHIC PRAYERS What happens when a Christian prays outside of the will of God or even in agreement with satan’s desires? Most Christians think these prayers simply fall to the ground unanswered. We think there is no harm done, but when we try to control other people by our prayers, havoc is released in the body of Christ.

Christians have prayed for confusion, failure, sickness and defeat on those they do not agree and even don’t like. They may want someone to quit smoking so they pray God will not bless them. They think someone is at the wrong church so they pray for division with that church or the leadership! Or if they want to affect an individual’s choice, so they pray for confusion to come to them. (And sometimes you wonder why you forgot.) They believed it would wake them up, and cause them to change their direction. Such prayers are spiritual manipulation, they are soulish prayers. 
“But the natural [psuchikos, soulish] man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Corinthians 2:14    

Soulish: A prayer that enlists the human spirit attempting to pressure the spirit and mind of the other person to come around to the desired way of thinking. Attempting to play God and force decisions on others is a form of manipulation which can have hurtful effect, especially when the parties are open to each other. 1 Peter 3:9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. A prayer where you sincerely mean what you say is a psychic prayer. Praying is a double-edged sword; it can greatly strengthen or weaken a person. Whether it's one or the other depends on three major factors: who you are, who you are praying to, and what you are praying for. Who you are praying to points to how you presently experience your reality. This step of a psychic prayer is also called 'invocation' in western magical disciplines - you basically bring into existence the being you are talking to. James 4:3 says "You ask and do not receive because you ask to spend it on your passions." 
Psychic prayer: attempts to influence the Lord to cause someone to move in a certain direction. Whether or not the direction desired is God’s will for the person makes no difference. Praying with wrong motivations to pressure others to act, think or feel a certain way constitutes psychic prayer. This is a form of witchcraft and often where the Jezebel spirit of manipulation is in operation. This is dangerous! Watch out when a person from the Body says “Satan is the accuser of the brethren!”…They think your trying to divide the group or even church, but the SEER sees what’s going on. God didn’t place you in that particular church for nothing. He placed you to come against things in the spirit, which has hindered them from moving forward. This placement of the SEER is a necessity in the Body of Christ. Everyone doesn’t have this gift; it’s given to whom God has chosen, that will not usurp authority and that have there Pastors back!

And you don't think I know warfare and hidden agendas. The Holy Spirit didn't teach me this for nothing. Attention MANY LEADERS who are INTIMIDATED of others walk in this mess, and they're operating in the prophetic. NO....they try to read folk. That's why I say I don't read folk, I hear what my Father tell me to say and then I release it. Some of you LEADERS STOP walking in divination, and witchcraft!

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