December 29, 2013

Watered Seed turns into A Mass Production of Trees

November 6, 2013


December 26, 2009 at 6:00am

Prosperity isn't just finances, prosperity is watering the seed that God plants and deposit into your Spirit so that it may produce abundance in ever area. 

In the beginning was The Word (Seed), and the Word was with God (Seed),and the Word (Seed) was God (John 1:1). What do you do with a seed? You Plant... Then you keep it watered so it can grow. As you water it, it produces 30, 60, or 100. How much fruit do you want to bring forth? The Fruit of the Spirit? Mentally? (the mind of Christ) Physically? (Your Temple) Emotionally? (Soul) Financially?(Wealth).

The more you water that seed (Word) the more you begin to prosper wIthin your soul.

So many feel as though and even think; that prosperity is all about MONEY. When God said prosperity it always comes back to the Word of God. (3 John 1:2)...Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.

(2 Corinthians 9:10).. For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you......Plant the Word of God within your Spirit in a deeper way today.

Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard;(Corruptible & Incorruptible) if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled. (Deut. 22:9)

If you need your FAITH to become more evident, water it with what The Word says about, (Heb 11:1)

FORGIVENESS...And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." (Mark 11:25)

REPENTANCE...For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death.(2 Corinthians 7:10)

November 5, 2013


April 1, 2013 at 6:57pm

The character of God is to be displayed in one’s life to a degree in which solitary confinement is needed. We must live in accordance of the life Christ lived in holiness and sanctification. One lifestyle should reflect the metamorphic change as a butterfly begins to make its transformation in the cocoon. As the transition begins it absorbs all nutrients that it needs to live on the outside world for survival.

How can you fly if you’re holding the baggage of your past? The butterfly can’t fly effectively being attached still to the cocoon; it must break away and trust in the Creator who designed its very being. To many times we are still carrying luggage God has told us to release Years before. You must not allow yourself to become stagnated in launching out into the unknown.

There’s an order of the natural occurrence of the butterfly that allow movement to the next level. Transformation change is usually un-welcomed when it shows up. And misunderstood when it happens. You must pay attention and not allow the voices of this present world to choke out the mission you’re called to complete.

When your level of understanding dissipates God begins to elevate you into another level of metamorphosis structure. The higher you go in God and the knowledge and understanding you become in line with what God wants and not yourself. When change is happening it effects your emotions and has at time a detrimental impact on how you view the situation.

As you're being molded into whom God has called you to be; you can’t allow that Delilah spirit to come and distract you from conforming into the image of God. It takes phase 1week to a month for caterpillars in the physical. As spiritual beings requires you involvement in how fast you allow the pruning and process. If you think you don’t have to be cocooned you do. Transformation requires a mind alteration. The caterpillar and butterfly teaches a lesson. The transformation is assured if we trust God in all He does. It enjoys its existence until it reaches its full maturation in nature. The caterpillar emerges and come out of its habitat adorned with beauty. This is how God wants us to be.

When the caterpillar came to itself it transformed into who God has ordained for it to become.

Delilah sole purpose is to keep you from entering this cocoon and incubate in the presence of God. Don’t play with the things you know will eliminate and terminate the process of transformation God is trying to do in your life.

October 31, 2013


November 1, 2010 at 7:05am
 PRAISE:  Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration.2. The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero. To express warm approbation of, commendation for, or admiration for.2. To extol or exalt; worship.

 WORSHIP:  Extreme devotion or intense love or admiration of any kind to show religious devotion or reverence for; adore or venerate as a deity to have intense love or admiration for; adore or idolize

John 4:24..God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. AKJV

Praise will confuse the enemy; but worship puts you face to face with God and Spirit to Spirit. You want clear direction? Everyone can praise but everyone can't worship. It requires an intimate relationship with our heavenly Father.
If you don't want Him all up in your business that requires change.(that's why there's not alot of people that truly worship) Praise + Worship = TOTAL SURRENDER.

Everyone can PRAISE; but everyone can't WORSHIP

October 30, 2013


March 29, 2013 at 7:24pm

How can one know what rape is, if they haven’t been through this devastating circumstance? As I evaluated something today this came to my mind. Spiritual Rape. Have you considered what Spiritual Rape consist of? I can speak from what I've experienced as a small child. As I look back over the detail of each encounter. I can remember exactly where each event took place. There is always a place where the incident happens and was performed.  One whose been taken advantage of will always sense when another has/have been violated.

We must as children of God recognize when that spirit tries to raise its head. You can rape someone of authority, position, if they’re not being spiritually discerning. This is performed by someone who knows your weaknesses and tries to console you when your perception is cloudy and off. This is a time where the individual has become very vulnerable and have completely trusted you with everything.

With spiritual rape comes, spiritual homosexuality, adultery etc. We must be very careful that we leave no doors open to the adversary. When walking in Kingdom Protocol you see the spirit behind a thing. Learn not to take the armor of God off, you must stay strapped 24/7; this requires you adjusting to the atmosphere in which you’re shifting

Spiritual Rape is subtle, it creeps in slowly and you have no idea what has happened. You wonder why there’s no growth spiritually in your church. Someone has welcomed that spirit in. This, if not careful can lead to deceit on someone that may lurk and wait for the right timing and moment to strip them of their dignity, ethics and morals. How many times have you felt something filthy in the spiritual realm?; you know it wasn’t you but it just didn’t feel good. Well, that’s the beginning of someone trying to strip you in the spiritual realm. If not discerning like I said, it can cost your life and others.

There are people that want your anointing so bad they begin to speak contrary to the Word of God over your life which come in the witchcraft form of the believer which is called "white magic". The anointing isn’t a persons to give. It’s given by God who counted the person worthy enough to give it to them. He knows they won’t take His glory. Spiritual rape comes when you’re vulnerable as I stated before and is a very sensitive subject for those who experienced the natural form of molestation and rape. You have that seducing spirit that is unveiled while walking in this predator spirit. The undressing of the person they already know has low self-esteem, so they thrive off of you not being loved like you want. You become more and more opened to this vicious attack.  It will also try to attack you in our sleep; because you're a spirit being.

For those who’ve never experienced this type of stripping and predator that lurked about to take your dignity, Listen carefully so you too may be aware of this type of spirit.  It tries to rape you at your most down and vulnerable moment and point in life; like I said it's subtle, that’s why you must be alert at all times as the Word of God says. (Matthew 13:33) 

The little tactics that the enemy brings to distract all first start in the spirit. Because you’re a spirit being listen carefully. You’re a spirit, you live in a body but you have a soul, which are our mind, will and intellect.  In order to live on the Earth you must have a body. And your spirit is who you can’t see but God says you must worship me in spirit and in truth. It’s a reason He says this. You must spiritually discern in order to see in the spiritual realm and be in close relationship with the Father.

Spiritual rape strips you of everything if you let it. You have leaders, pastors, bishop, apostles, prophets, teachers who use the authority God have given them the wrong way.  It comes from being greedy for more of the anointing and willing to do anything at any cost to get it. God says. “If possible even the very elect would be deceived”. (Matthew 24:24)  This isn’t just a natural thing, but God want His children alert at all times.

You’re beautifully and wonderfully made. Keep your morals, dignity, character and integrity upright before God.

Prophetess Kelly

October 29, 2013


You cannot activate the anointing or be successful without being obedient to the Spirit of God.  When dealing with spiritual things, you must know protocol.  Your salvation isn’t based on attending church services any given day of the week; but walking in the Wo on a daily basis. The enemy goes to church and will sit next to you while you pray, praise and shout; but as long as you don’t do anything with the Word of God when you walk out that door, you’re his best friend.

If you’re going to intercede and be on the frontline for the Kingdom of God, you must first submit yourselves under the leadership of one who’s walking humbly and correctly before Him.  You must never try and usurp your authority to get your way. If you don’t agree with what the leadership of that house say; go to them as the Word of God tells you to do and talk it out. If that don’t work listen to the voice of GOD for clearer direction. You must not forget your sole purpose of God strategically placing you in the territory you’re in. As a believer you must be on this mission and assignment for the long haul.  

We have individuals that are in desperate need of a Savior. Pray daily that the words that come forth out of your mouth are seasoned with salt that you may know how to answer every man, as Colossians 4:6.  We must learn how to set the atmospheric climate in the heavens making it conducive to the Spirit of God. We’re dealing with the souls of men. If the enemy isn’t playing why are you? We as the “Church” must pray that the eyes of their understanding be flooded with light. When God removes and separate you from anything it’s needed.  When old blessings stop new signs of blessings will follow, to attain destiny you must forsake your comfort zone. You must learn to be satisfied with the new praises that's arising. 

Excellence requires discomfort, when soaring to destiny you must learn to be satisfied with the new things that God has bought to you. You must praise, this is something that has been past down from out of the heavenly realm to this earthly realm.  You must plug to the big boy which is God, speak a word to grant you access;stay connected with the Word of God and never become unplugged.

When carrying the Word, it’s not to conceal and carry but to dissect it and pour out.  When the Spirit of God hovers over something, something is about to happen as he said it would. His Word has creative power. Learn to speak a word that grants you access; stay connected with the Word of God and never become 


Blessings,Prophetess Kelly M. Turner

October 27, 2013


I’m sure the Israelites questioned God's battle plan at Jericho. They would have preferred to storm the gates or scale the walls, but God told them to circle the city for seven days! It didn't make any sense. It had to feel like forever. But they kept circling!
I don't know what you've been circling for the past forty days or forty weeks or forty years. I don't know if you've gotten a yes, a no, or a not yet. You've got to praise God if the answer is yes and trust Him if the answer is no. If the answer is not yet, you've got to keep circling. It's always too soon to give up! What other option do you have? To pray or not to pray. Those are the only options.
   None of my dreams have happened quickly or easily. There were certainly moments when I felt like quitting, when I was tempted to think all of our efforts wouldn't make much difference. When you quit circling, you don't just compromise the present. Every promise, every miracle, every blessing in your future is forfeited. If the Israelites had stopped circling Jericho, they would have forfeited their first victory in the Promised Land. But there was much more at stake than that. They would have forfeited the Promised Land altogether. But they didn't stop. They kept circling. And if you keep circling, the walls will come down. If you pray through, the breakthrough is inevitable. Go ahead. Keep circling!

If you keep circling, the wall will eventually come down.

October 26, 2013

I know many won't like me after this; but I wasn't put on this earth to be liked; but to speak the TRUTH as GOD gives it to me. When it's all said and done man DO NOT have a Heaven or Hell to put you in....The ONE who has the keys to both....BUT GOD. You better STOP letting folk intimidate you; saying you can't do this and that. GOD has the final say.

So many walk in the spirit of religion and have no clue they're bound. GOD gives commands; but when reading the Word of God ask yourself which time and arena was it being said?  Dissect the Word and Read. Not just one verse but the one before and after. Stop skipping verses so one can't get what GOD is saying.

The Word is something you can't afford to play with when dealing with sheep. I've heard so many people tell me they're scared to wear this and cut this or that....Here's the answer...2 Timothy 1:7 which says, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Philippians 2:5 says: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.

You shouldn't be scared that if you do something against your man made rules or doctrine GOD is going to punish you and you get sat down; REALLY! THAT'S THE SPIRIT OF CONTROL IN OPERATION which is A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT.

Many believers have been taught this from childhood without reading and dissecting TRUTH of the WORD for themselves. They believed Momma & Poppa, but as my son said: "Who's your Daddy"? When individuals take the blinders off and start seeking GOD whole hearted  asking HIM to remove barriers and man-made doctrine watch what happens. GOD is about to blow the top off that Religious Legalism spirit.


February 25, 2011 at 10:46am


Crab mentality, refer to as crabs in the bucket, it’s  a way of thinking.  The crab thought as sometimes humans do "if I can't have it, neither should you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. The crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition (or sabotage) which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise. The analogy in human behavior is that of a group that will attempt to "pull down" (negate or diminish the importance of) any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of jealousy, conspiracy or competitive feelings.

This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also often used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to "escape" a so-called "underprivileged life", but kept from doing so by others attempting to ride upon their coat-tails or those who simply resent their success.

This Sprit is in the Church and it will NOT no longer reside.


Wikipedia defined and also redefined by myself

October 25, 2013


The character of God is to be displayed in one’s life to a degree in which solitary confinement is needed. We must live in accordance of the life Christ lived in holiness and sanctification. One lifestyle should reflect the metamorphic change as a butterfly begins to make its transformation in the cocoon. As the transition begins it absorbs all nutrients that it needs to live on the outside world for survival.

How can you fly if you’re holding the baggage of your past? The butterfly can’t fly effectively being attached still to the cocoon; it must break away and trust in the Creator who designed its very being. To many times we are still carrying luggage God has told us to release Years before. You must not allow yourself to become stagnated in launching out into the unknown.

There’s an order of the natural occurrence of the butterfly that allow movement to the next level. Trans formative change is usually UN-welcomed when it shows up. And misunderstood when it happens. You must pay attention and not allow the voices of this present world to choke out the mission you’re called to complete.

When your level of understanding dissipates God begins to elevate you into another level of metamorphosis structure. The higher you go in God and the knowledge and understanding you become in line with what God wants and not yourself. When change is happening it effects your emotions and has at time a detrimental impact on how you view the situation.

As you're being molded into whom God has called you to be; you can’t allow that Delilah spirit to come and distract you from conforming into the image of God. It takes phase 1 week to a month for caterpillars in the physical. As spiritual beings requires you involvement in how fast you allow the pruning and process. If you think you don’t have to be cocooned you do. Transformation requires a mind alteration. The caterpillar and butterfly teaches a lesson. The transformation is assured if we trust God in all He does. It enjoys its existence until it reaches its full maturation in nature. The caterpillar emerges and come out of its habitat adorned with beauty. This is how God wants us to be.

When the caterpillar came to itself it transformed into who God has ordained for it to become.

Delilah sole purpose is to keep you from entering this cocoon and incubate in the presence of God. Don’t play with the things you know will eliminate and terminate the process of transformation God is trying to do in your life.

July 10, 2013


It’s in the waiting that you’re being pruned, processed and purified. Not too many people want to go through the pruning stage of GOD; separating them from the thing that HE knows will stunt their growth in Him. As He begins to finish the pruning, the next step in the phase is to go through the processing of making sure, they're no extra additives added that doesn't belong that will hinder the nex...t cycle in the purification process.

You must remember in the pruning and processing stage there must be a purification to see if you stood the pressing and the shifting of many bumps and hits to be graded as PASSED.

This cycle is always ongoing and is a must to keep allowing you to elevate in the area in which GOD has called and equipped you to move into. ‪#‎learntowait‬ ‪#‎patience‬ ‪#‎theprocess

April 17, 2013


When Jesus shed His blood on Calvary, that veil was torn from top to bottom.  We can stand before the most Holy places of all, offering up the sweet, pure fragrance to God as HE looks at you, when you are living right according to the finished works of His Son, it is like He is looking at Jesus. You and I should have been cut off by now; but the blood that covers us so we can give prayers, intercession and worship to God.

As long as Christ lives in you, whatever the devil sends your direction cannot wipe you out. Christ is ever living in your heart and making intercession (standing in the gap) for you (see Heb. 7:25). That's why your troubles have not been able to break you or silence your praise

As you prepare to go into the most Holy Place "Behind the Veil", you know He's alive! When you lie at His feet in total surrender in prayer and intercession, you know He's the only one who can keep you, even when the devil tries to tell you that you're not going to make it, Jesus is there an able to keep you alive and take you to your next level.

Hebrews 6:17-20 says that we have a hope that will take us far beyond the outer court and the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies. As a priest and intercessor, you can go into God's presence, already knowing what He is able to do. You can go behind the veil knowing that He is the ultimate answer for those who are locked in the outer court and can't find their way into His divine presence. His infinite power brings your intercession that can liberate those who are held in shackles and chains by the enemy when you enter the most Holy Place--the highest dimension of prayer--and commune with God face to face.

April 16, 2013

Understanding Kingdom Protocol

I know many won't like me after this; but I wasn't put on this earth to be liked; but to speak the TRUTH as GOD gives it to me. When it's all said and done man DO NOT have #Heaven or Hell to put you in....The ONE who has the keys to both....and it's GOD. You better STOP letting folk intimidate you; saying you can't do this and that. GOD has the final say.

So many walk in the spirit of religion and have no clue they're bound. #GOD gives commands, but when reading the Word of God in which time and arena was it being said?  Dissect the Word and Read. Not just one verse but the one before and after. Stop skipping verses so one can't get what GOD is saying.  The Word is something you can't afford to play with when dealing with sheep. I've heard so many people tell me they're scared to do this or that....Here's the answer...2 Timothy 1:7 which says, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Philippians 2:5 says: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.

You shouldn't be scared that if you do something against your man made rules or doctrine GOD is going to punish you and you get sat down; REALLY! THAT'S THE SPIRIT OF CONTROL IN OPERATION which is A FORM OF WITCHCRAFT.
Many believers have been taught this from childhood without reading and dissecting TRUTH of the WORD for themselves. They believed Momma & Poppa, but as my son said: "Who's your Daddy"? When individuals take the blinders off and start seeking GOD wholeheartedly asking HIM to remove barriers and man-made doctrine watch what happens. GOD is about to blow the top off that #Religious #Legalism spirit.

April 15, 2013

Is Your House Clean...Prophetic Utterance

On 2008 while sleeping in my bedroom a few weeks after relocating from Pennsylvania to Arkansas, I had a dream of this (to your left) coming from my west. I didn’t completely understand what was happening. I knew I was sleep but yet my Spirit was awake. 

Many times I go over in my mind and say Lord what was this. I see myself lying down and the #whirlwind sat upon my spirit and begun to go deep and as this was happening I grabbed my stomach because I thought something was wrong; but to no avail it kept going deeper and deeper. It was all sorts of debris and trash coming out of me.

God said I cleaned house. Since this day I have never been the same.I walk in the purpose and destiny HE had required from me for so long. Even though I was in ministry for over 15 years; HE knew it was much more that I needed to do and #mandate needed to complete.

I say to you by the Spirit of God it’s time to get your house in order correctly. GOD is coming to clean house and your house bet not be occupied with a bunch of mess. The whirlwind has arrived. I’m shaking everything that needs to be shaken. I’m removing the obstacles that stood in your way for so long; I’m preparing my church for a revival that is global. Take heed to what I’m doing; the last shall be first and the first last. That’s how I arranged it. I must constantly regroup my people in strategic areas for their assignment. No one is greater that their Master. You must forgive those who have taken you off the mark and blurred your vision. I didn’t say rekindle a friendship I blew out. I can’t operate where there’s unforgiveness; I only operate from the faith realm.

I’m placing some of you in new locations and this is a must. For others are scared to complete this assignment; but you are ready and bold to conquer the Goliath that has said I rule this area of that city. I have given you first hand the weapons that you need. Children remember since I’m before you who can be against you?

Prophetess Mary Clark...Shoe Votions

This Daily Devotional Book is created to activate your faith by the word of God. Each person can choose how to regulate their lives and conduct themselves by their own convictions not by what they see or feel (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). Topics within this book will touch certain areas of your life by scriptures which are strategically listed for references, to help build your spiritual foundation along with daily prayer, and meditation.

ShoeVotions will empower you to locate where you are and, point you into the direction where you need to be. Shoe Votions will teach you how to demonstrate your personal love for our Heavenly Father through your daily commitment and confessing your love by his Holy Spirit. It is a place that I hope will strengthen you to always put your best foot forward no matter where you may find yourself in life while walking in your own shoes.

Come and put on your best pair of shoes. Let the word of God and his holy presence, teach you how to move out of your comfort zone. Do not allow pain, hurt, rejection, and disappointments determine your outlook in life. Know today, there is a greater power that will help you push through obstacles, break barriers down, crush, and destroy every power of darkness, by speaking positive daily devotions over your life with the word of God. When life begins to be too much just look up, know within your heart there is a God who loves you and desires you to walk with Him through your daily Shoe Votions.

You can purchase her book at:

April 12, 2013

Learn to Wait

(c) Kelly M. Turner
It’s in the waiting that you’re being pruned, processed and purified. Not too many people want to go through the pruning stage of GOD separating them from the thing that HE knows will stunt their growth in Him. As He begins to finish the pruning the next step in the phase is to go through the processing of making sure their no extra additives added that do not belong, that will hinder the next cycle in the purification process.

You must remember in the pruning and processing stage there must be a purification to see if you stood the pressing and the shifting of many bumps and hits to be graded as PASSED.

This cycle is always ongoing and is a must to keep allowing you to elevate in the area in which GOD has called and equipped you to move into.

April 11, 2013

Deception is Inward

Deception is undercover and the truth is evident in what one tries to hide. Too many have the inclination that if they try to be subtle in exposing someone’s frailty they’ll be ahead of the game.  The reason why individuals decide they want to hurt and cause pain to those whose heart is also incapable of showing any type of compassion; is that they have a motive behind what they do.

There is always a hidden agenda for those who like to deceive those of higher standards then themselves. When you realize that all that life require is that you are just yourself. If you don’t know who you are in Christ you are never going to realize the potential that God has placed within side your inner being. Many contemplate throughout the day to do the right thing; but that inner voice of deception seems to override the right choice for them to make.

Learning to understand the way one function with this mental deficiency, incapacitates one with the function of thinking that what they’re perceiving is accurate when in fact they have a false misconception that reality is already staring them in the face. Deception never let the one deceiving give accurate accounts.
©2013 Kelly M. Turner

March 29, 2013

Repairers of the Breach

When beginning to build and rebuild you must make sure you have the prophets of God with you, supporting you.  You DO NOT want just anyone as your armor bearer or interceding for you making sure destiny is being fulfilled. 

When God begins a work in you, He allows it to prosper.  Nothing or no one can halt or try and stop the rebuilding of the temple of God.  God will give you specific orders in rebuilding the temple. You must be ready to go back and reclaim everything that the enemy has stolen for you and God will multiply it and add increase.  Individuals who seek to demise, God will have them give back to you a hundred fold.  Don’t be surprise when you see blessings every day. God can get praise and glory each and every morning, afternoon and evening.

God gives direct instructions on rebuilding the wall. God has instructed the temple which is your house to be rebuilt with diligence.

March 24, 2013

Ministers in the Marketplace

Many times people often talk about ministers working in the marketplace. The Twelve Disciples had jobs too; until Jesus called them off. What makes anyone different? Love what you do and do what you love.

Getting to know me is getting to meet me the person who’s straight up real and transparent. I haven’t always been as blunt and upfront as I am. God has also showed me how to tone down my voice when needed.

I’ve heard from so many people on the social network site say that ministers, shouldn’t be working in the secular world if God has called them to preach and teach the Gospel.  Many don’t realize when you’re in the natural and don’t have the finances to do what GOD has equipped for you to accomplish; until then you work with what HE has given you.

 I believe that you should work until you’re in the position to be in the ministry full-time.
Please leave a comment below to join in the discussion. We are here to understand biblical foundation and Kingdom Protocol.

March 15, 2013

2 Corinthians 10:4

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  Luke 10:19 says: I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

We are made in the imagine of GOD, GOD is love so therefore when the enemy sees us he see GOD. And that’s why the devil tries and recruit unbelievers and those opposed to GOD because he wants love, and that type of love is not earned but taken by default.

You cannot activate the anointing or be successful without being obedient to the Spirit of God.  When dealing with spiritual thing, you must know protocol.  Your salvation is not based on attending church services any day of the week, but walking out the Word given on a daily basis. The enemy goes to church and will sit next to you while you're praying, praise and shouting; but as long as you don’t do anything with the Word of God when you walk out that door you’re his best friend.

March 12, 2013

Unlock your Potential

Learning to Unlock ALL Resources

Each one of us has a potential that's been deposited in each one of you from the foundation of the world. The more I realize not just who I am but who’s I am; it gives me a hope and a stronger faith to achieve every GOD given talent that He has bestowed upon me. One thing that I know is that you cannot achieve success sitting down twirling you thumbs in a case of what will be will be. When you get this mentality; you’ll never get anywhere in life. Understand the potential that’s locked up inside of you and moved forward to your destiny.

When you as an individual begin to unlock the potential that’s been stored in you even as a child such as, talents, wealth, destiny, and most of all your potential; you will probably shock yourself with all that's been hiding and laying dormant inside of you.

When GOD gives you the resources that you need in order to fulfill destiny you must take it and run with it. Remember GOD said write the vision and make it plain.

Today God has been showing me so many things concerning my calling and destiny that I must fulfill before HIS return. I know that it won't be easy;but I also know that I'm capable to achieve every last one. 

Never be scared to launch out into the waters and swim or even walk to the other side of purpose. If I can do it so can you. I want you to say: "Today my setback is my comeback for greatness". Just believe it, receive it and just do it.

February 7, 2013



 I beesech you therefore, brethern, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12: 1-2

February 6, 2013

Keep on Walking in GOD

Jesus had to shake the dust off his feet when those that supposed to have been believers didn't want to hear what he was speaking. Guess what? The same happens in this generation, regardless of your denomination GOD speaks through whomever HE chooses.

I've never heard of so many people not wanting to have nothing to do with you, but want to ride a coattail of what GOD is doing.
How can someone try to dictate to you what you can and cannot do with what GOD has already given you? Weird folk. The WORD must go on. GOD you have jokes and are very humorous. You be telling me to say stuff and I got to read it all over again and question....but I dare not with you. Will speak on.

Kathryn Kuhman was Methodist
Zig Ziglar was Baptist I can go on and on, stop letting your denomination think you're above reproach. GOD will sit you down and place someone else in your place to teach the one HE chosen. Don't get it twisted.