Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

April 15, 2013

Prophetess Mary Clark...Shoe Votions

This Daily Devotional Book is created to activate your faith by the word of God. Each person can choose how to regulate their lives and conduct themselves by their own convictions not by what they see or feel (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). Topics within this book will touch certain areas of your life by scriptures which are strategically listed for references, to help build your spiritual foundation along with daily prayer, and meditation.

ShoeVotions will empower you to locate where you are and, point you into the direction where you need to be. Shoe Votions will teach you how to demonstrate your personal love for our Heavenly Father through your daily commitment and confessing your love by his Holy Spirit. It is a place that I hope will strengthen you to always put your best foot forward no matter where you may find yourself in life while walking in your own shoes.

Come and put on your best pair of shoes. Let the word of God and his holy presence, teach you how to move out of your comfort zone. Do not allow pain, hurt, rejection, and disappointments determine your outlook in life. Know today, there is a greater power that will help you push through obstacles, break barriers down, crush, and destroy every power of darkness, by speaking positive daily devotions over your life with the word of God. When life begins to be too much just look up, know within your heart there is a God who loves you and desires you to walk with Him through your daily Shoe Votions.

You can purchase her book at:

April 11, 2013

Deception is Inward

Deception is undercover and the truth is evident in what one tries to hide. Too many have the inclination that if they try to be subtle in exposing someone’s frailty they’ll be ahead of the game.  The reason why individuals decide they want to hurt and cause pain to those whose heart is also incapable of showing any type of compassion; is that they have a motive behind what they do.

There is always a hidden agenda for those who like to deceive those of higher standards then themselves. When you realize that all that life require is that you are just yourself. If you don’t know who you are in Christ you are never going to realize the potential that God has placed within side your inner being. Many contemplate throughout the day to do the right thing; but that inner voice of deception seems to override the right choice for them to make.

Learning to understand the way one function with this mental deficiency, incapacitates one with the function of thinking that what they’re perceiving is accurate when in fact they have a false misconception that reality is already staring them in the face. Deception never let the one deceiving give accurate accounts.
©2013 Kelly M. Turner

March 29, 2013

Repairers of the Breach

When beginning to build and rebuild you must make sure you have the prophets of God with you, supporting you.  You DO NOT want just anyone as your armor bearer or interceding for you making sure destiny is being fulfilled. 

When God begins a work in you, He allows it to prosper.  Nothing or no one can halt or try and stop the rebuilding of the temple of God.  God will give you specific orders in rebuilding the temple. You must be ready to go back and reclaim everything that the enemy has stolen for you and God will multiply it and add increase.  Individuals who seek to demise, God will have them give back to you a hundred fold.  Don’t be surprise when you see blessings every day. God can get praise and glory each and every morning, afternoon and evening.

God gives direct instructions on rebuilding the wall. God has instructed the temple which is your house to be rebuilt with diligence.

March 24, 2013

Ministers in the Marketplace

Many times people often talk about ministers working in the marketplace. The Twelve Disciples had jobs too; until Jesus called them off. What makes anyone different? Love what you do and do what you love.

Getting to know me is getting to meet me the person who’s straight up real and transparent. I haven’t always been as blunt and upfront as I am. God has also showed me how to tone down my voice when needed.

I’ve heard from so many people on the social network site say that ministers, shouldn’t be working in the secular world if God has called them to preach and teach the Gospel.  Many don’t realize when you’re in the natural and don’t have the finances to do what GOD has equipped for you to accomplish; until then you work with what HE has given you.

 I believe that you should work until you’re in the position to be in the ministry full-time.
Please leave a comment below to join in the discussion. We are here to understand biblical foundation and Kingdom Protocol.

February 6, 2013

Keep on Walking in GOD

Jesus had to shake the dust off his feet when those that supposed to have been believers didn't want to hear what he was speaking. Guess what? The same happens in this generation, regardless of your denomination GOD speaks through whomever HE chooses.

I've never heard of so many people not wanting to have nothing to do with you, but want to ride a coattail of what GOD is doing.
How can someone try to dictate to you what you can and cannot do with what GOD has already given you? Weird folk. The WORD must go on. GOD you have jokes and are very humorous. You be telling me to say stuff and I got to read it all over again and question....but I dare not with you. Will speak on.

Kathryn Kuhman was Methodist
Zig Ziglar was Baptist I can go on and on, stop letting your denomination think you're above reproach. GOD will sit you down and place someone else in your place to teach the one HE chosen. Don't get it twisted.

December 4, 2012

"The Shepherd and their Flock”

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; John 10:27.

If we're not careful people in authority forget it's God's House and become glorified in them and not in what God is saying and trying to get across. And folk wonder why things in the ministry become chaotic and saints are leaving. Things begin to be done in secret and deceit slowing creeps in, hidden agendas come, cliques begin to form. GOD din't put you on this Earth for folk to like you; but to do HIS will, HIS perfect Will

Not saying all ministries are like this, but we as leaders must be very careful in being alert in this area. We are all God's people. You have those who have been abused and rejected all their lives. They shouldn’t have to come in the church and be hurt by you that are in leadership.

And for you leaders who are thinking more about your bank account instead of HIS sheep, God says enough! No more will my children be hurt. If you know you or a leader that you’ve placed in authority over one isn’t walking in submission to what God is saying; but must do their own thing, it’s time for a Spirit check. One must not lead the sheep to the slaughter house. GOD gave them sheep for you to tend to not to abuse anymore.

Luke 12:47 And the servant who knew His Masters will, and didn’t prepare himself or do accordingly to HIS will shall be beaten with many stripes.

Jeremiah 10:21
Therefore thus says the LORD God of Israel concerning the shepherds who are tending my people: "You have scattered my flock and driven them away, and have not attended to them; behold, I am about to attend to you for the evil of your deeds," declares the LORD. I wonder how may in leadership actually meditated on this! SELAH.

December 3, 2012


Luke 8:51-56

When HE came into the house, He permitted NO ONE to go in except Peter, James, John and the father and mother of the girl.

When a miracle is about to take place; not to many will go with you into the secret chamber to receive a RHEMA WORD from the Lord. Some aren't allowed to go with you on your next journey.

God will allow the one's who say it can't happen; because they knew you when, and it hasn't happen yet and it looks dead. See Jesus, told them folks that was crying who automatically mourn just when they know someone lays dead. Jesus told them they could stay right on the outer court and not allowed access to this journey that the other disciples were about to take. I can envision them trying to push themselves through the door and Jesus kindly SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND HIM. There's no unbelief welcomed here (in my words)

God says "So many things will ARISE when you shut the door behind you and believe what HE says." The one's who didn't believe when GOD said yes, can't receive nor partake of the blessings and miracles HE has awaiting for them that believe.
God has those that believe and pray with you, to be a partaker.

In verse 55....The word BUT means something is about to happen. After Jesus closed the door and called the girl to come forth; the manifestation appeared. When GOD is about to perform a miracle in your life; you only need to be around those whom have the same kind of faith without doubting.

Sometimes you'll have to walk alone to inherit the blessings and miracles because you're the only one that will believe the extraordinaire. In verse 56 it says her parents were astonished. If you noticed it didn't say they were all astonished, the word said the parents were. If you remember (3) of the disciples were in there also; but it didn't surprise them when she arose did it? They had faith to know when JESUS spoke things happened.

Jesus needed those who HE could depend on to watch the miracle come to pass. God want you as HIS children to believe every WORD that HE speaks.

And today HE says "Those things that look dead I'm about to resurrect."

October 20, 2012

Idol Worship


Idol Worship

When one address the issue and discussion concerning idol worship you come to the automatic conclusion it had to deal with graven images. No. Idolatry is anything that you set up on the highest standard before God. Anything that takes your focus off of the intended purpose in your relationship with God the Father.

In your everyday life you deal with thought and emotions of all sorts. When your time is so consumed with this particular thing, which it’s not relevant to the purpose of the destiny God has for you, its idol. Spending idol time doing something that not even necessary is the same thing. We must learn as individuals to take the focus off of self which is idol worship if it’s all about you too. There are several things you can see idol worship:

· Social networking, spending more time on there than time doing something productive that God has given you to do.

· Television- choosing to put a show or sitcom before God, when you know you haven’t given him his quality time

· Video Games- learning and teaching your children to give God His time.

· Songs – these that aren’t lining up with what the Word of God says and having all types of garbage going inside of you that’s not lining up with Him.

· Friends- Spending all your time with them, gossiping not really talking that can edify someone. It can turn into idol time.

· This is one a lot of people don’t think can become idol. **Your JOB** some of you can put your job before God and think it’s Him, you say if a man don’t work he don’t eat, yes that’s biblical but don’t take it out of its original context. Your job can keep you from spending time with God. Ask God to balance these things for you. God want His children to enjoy life and have it to the fullest but He wants His time. He gave you the ability to obtain these, so give Him what’s rightfully His.

I and my husband tell our children they’re twenty four hours in a day. As you tithes in church tithe God at least ten percent of the hours to Him, which is 2 hours and 40 minutes a day? It doesn’t have to be all at once, if you can find time to sit on a phone, watch television use that time to spend with the Creator who allowed you to enjoy.

© Kelly M. Turner

October 11, 2012

How can one know what rape is, if they haven’t been through this devastating circumstance? As I evaluated something today this came to my mind. Spiritual Rape.
Have you considered what Spiritual Rape consist of? I can speak from what I’ve experienced as a small child. As I look back over the detail of each encounter. I can remember exactly where each event took place. There is always a place where the incident happens and was performed.
We must as children of God recognize when that spirit tries to raise its head. You can rape someone of authority, position, if they’re not being spiritually discerning. This is performed by someone who knows your weaknesses and tries to console you when your perception is cloudy and off. This is a time where the individual has become very vulnerable and have completely trusted you with everything.

With spiritual rape comes, spiritual homosexuality, adultery etc. We must be very careful that we leave no doors open to the adversary. When walking in Kingdom Protocol you see the spirit behind a thing. Learn not to take the armor of God off, you must stay strapped 24/7, this requires you adjusting to the atmosphere in which you’re shifting.

Spiritual Rape is subtle, it creeps in slowly and you have no idea what happened. You wonder why there’s no growth in your church. Someone has welcomed that spirit in. This if not careful can lead to deceit on someone that may lurk and wait for the right timing and moment to strip them of their dignity, ethics and morals. How many times have you felt something filthy in the spiritual realm, you know it wasn’t you but it just didn’t feel good. Well, that’s the beginning of someone trying to strip you in the spiritual realm. If not discerning like I said, it can cost your life and others.

There are people that want your anointing so bad they begin to speak contrary to the word of God over your life which come in the witchcraft form of the believer which is called white magic. The anointing isn’t a persons to give. It’s given by God who’d counted the person worthy enough to give it to them. He know they won’t take His glory. Spiritual rape comes when you’re vulnerable as I stated before and is a very sensitive subject for those who’ve experience the natural form of molestation and rape. You have that seducing spirit that is unveiled while walking in this predator. The undressing of the person they already know have low self-esteem, so they thrive off of you not being loved like you want. You become more and more opened to this vicious attack.

For those who’ve never experienced this type of stripping and predator that lurked about to take your dignity, Listen carefully so you too may be aware of this type of spirit.  It tries and rape you at your most down and vulnerable moment, that’s why you must be alert at all times as the Word of God says. (Matthew 13:33) The little tactics that the enemy bring to distract all first start in the spirit. Because you’re a spirit being listen carefully. You’re are a spirit, you live in a body but you have a soul, which is our mind, will and intellect.  In order to live on the Earth you must have a body. And your spirit is who you can’t see but God says you must worship me in spirit and in truth. It’s a reason He says this. You must spiritually discern in order to see in the spiritual realm and in close relationship with the Father.

Spiritual rape strips you of everything is you let it. You have leaders, pastors, bishop, apostles, prophets, who use the authority the wrong way.  It comes from being greedy for more of the anointing and willing to do anything to get it. God says. “If possible even the very elect would be deceived”. (Matthew 24:24)  This isn’t just a natural thing, but God want His children alert at all times. You’re beautifully and wonderfully made. Keep your morals, dignity, character and integrity upright before God.