Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

April 17, 2013


When Jesus shed His blood on Calvary, that veil was torn from top to bottom.  We can stand before the most Holy places of all, offering up the sweet, pure fragrance to God as HE looks at you, when you are living right according to the finished works of His Son, it is like He is looking at Jesus. You and I should have been cut off by now; but the blood that covers us so we can give prayers, intercession and worship to God.

As long as Christ lives in you, whatever the devil sends your direction cannot wipe you out. Christ is ever living in your heart and making intercession (standing in the gap) for you (see Heb. 7:25). That's why your troubles have not been able to break you or silence your praise

As you prepare to go into the most Holy Place "Behind the Veil", you know He's alive! When you lie at His feet in total surrender in prayer and intercession, you know He's the only one who can keep you, even when the devil tries to tell you that you're not going to make it, Jesus is there an able to keep you alive and take you to your next level.

Hebrews 6:17-20 says that we have a hope that will take us far beyond the outer court and the Holy Place into the Holy of Holies. As a priest and intercessor, you can go into God's presence, already knowing what He is able to do. You can go behind the veil knowing that He is the ultimate answer for those who are locked in the outer court and can't find their way into His divine presence. His infinite power brings your intercession that can liberate those who are held in shackles and chains by the enemy when you enter the most Holy Place--the highest dimension of prayer--and commune with God face to face.

February 6, 2013

Keep on Walking in GOD

Jesus had to shake the dust off his feet when those that supposed to have been believers didn't want to hear what he was speaking. Guess what? The same happens in this generation, regardless of your denomination GOD speaks through whomever HE chooses.

I've never heard of so many people not wanting to have nothing to do with you, but want to ride a coattail of what GOD is doing.
How can someone try to dictate to you what you can and cannot do with what GOD has already given you? Weird folk. The WORD must go on. GOD you have jokes and are very humorous. You be telling me to say stuff and I got to read it all over again and question....but I dare not with you. Will speak on.

Kathryn Kuhman was Methodist
Zig Ziglar was Baptist I can go on and on, stop letting your denomination think you're above reproach. GOD will sit you down and place someone else in your place to teach the one HE chosen. Don't get it twisted.

December 4, 2012

Husband & Wives relationships.....

I had to continue from this past week on Husband & Wives relationships.....There's still a lot to cover

Just like women, men are spoiled too! This is a fun topic for me, due to I have a big baby. When they sick they act just as bad as us women. Women men want to vent too, they desire you to treat them equally to you. What makes you think they always want to decide where you want to go? Learn to use your brains sometime and take him out on the town. Movies, walk in the park. Ladies you will score many brownie points with him.

One thing you never want to say rather they're where you're at in the Word or not, "God said" Did GOD tells you not to spend time alone with your spouse? You'll never get any snookie.

They hold a lot of stuff in; they don't let things bother them like we do. You as the woman learn to give the man your love the way they want. STOP always making it a religious thing. What does making love got to do with your always wanting it your way. Learn to adapt to new things, maybe it'll add some spice in your relationship.

To many of you married women get to religious with your man when HE wants to take it slow with you. And then you get mad when they do a wham bam thank you ma'am. You should never be too spiritual when it comes to making love to your spouse. Sex and Love making IS NOT THE SAME!!!

  • Are you intimate with your mate?
  • Do you still know him?
  • Can you tell when something is wrong?
  • Most of all do you know his love language.
  • I say to you, if you don't you better learn it quick.

You better learn from Solomon in how he treated his lover. You can learn a lot from him.

Maintaining a healthy marriage takes intentional investment
You must always regard you relationship as top priority
Know that you have each others back
NO 50/50...but 100/100
Enjoy each other
And know the kids will be out the house soon.

It matters how your mate feels when its time for you both to chill and just relax.

"The Shepherd and their Flock”

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; John 10:27.

If we're not careful people in authority forget it's God's House and become glorified in them and not in what God is saying and trying to get across. And folk wonder why things in the ministry become chaotic and saints are leaving. Things begin to be done in secret and deceit slowing creeps in, hidden agendas come, cliques begin to form. GOD din't put you on this Earth for folk to like you; but to do HIS will, HIS perfect Will

Not saying all ministries are like this, but we as leaders must be very careful in being alert in this area. We are all God's people. You have those who have been abused and rejected all their lives. They shouldn’t have to come in the church and be hurt by you that are in leadership.

And for you leaders who are thinking more about your bank account instead of HIS sheep, God says enough! No more will my children be hurt. If you know you or a leader that you’ve placed in authority over one isn’t walking in submission to what God is saying; but must do their own thing, it’s time for a Spirit check. One must not lead the sheep to the slaughter house. GOD gave them sheep for you to tend to not to abuse anymore.

Luke 12:47 And the servant who knew His Masters will, and didn’t prepare himself or do accordingly to HIS will shall be beaten with many stripes.

Jeremiah 10:21
Therefore thus says the LORD God of Israel concerning the shepherds who are tending my people: "You have scattered my flock and driven them away, and have not attended to them; behold, I am about to attend to you for the evil of your deeds," declares the LORD. I wonder how may in leadership actually meditated on this! SELAH.

December 3, 2012


Luke 8:51-56

When HE came into the house, He permitted NO ONE to go in except Peter, James, John and the father and mother of the girl.

When a miracle is about to take place; not to many will go with you into the secret chamber to receive a RHEMA WORD from the Lord. Some aren't allowed to go with you on your next journey.

God will allow the one's who say it can't happen; because they knew you when, and it hasn't happen yet and it looks dead. See Jesus, told them folks that was crying who automatically mourn just when they know someone lays dead. Jesus told them they could stay right on the outer court and not allowed access to this journey that the other disciples were about to take. I can envision them trying to push themselves through the door and Jesus kindly SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND HIM. There's no unbelief welcomed here (in my words)

God says "So many things will ARISE when you shut the door behind you and believe what HE says." The one's who didn't believe when GOD said yes, can't receive nor partake of the blessings and miracles HE has awaiting for them that believe.
God has those that believe and pray with you, to be a partaker.

In verse 55....The word BUT means something is about to happen. After Jesus closed the door and called the girl to come forth; the manifestation appeared. When GOD is about to perform a miracle in your life; you only need to be around those whom have the same kind of faith without doubting.

Sometimes you'll have to walk alone to inherit the blessings and miracles because you're the only one that will believe the extraordinaire. In verse 56 it says her parents were astonished. If you noticed it didn't say they were all astonished, the word said the parents were. If you remember (3) of the disciples were in there also; but it didn't surprise them when she arose did it? They had faith to know when JESUS spoke things happened.

Jesus needed those who HE could depend on to watch the miracle come to pass. God want you as HIS children to believe every WORD that HE speaks.

And today HE says "Those things that look dead I'm about to resurrect."

October 16, 2012

When you Fall…HE’s there to pick you up



  We must realize that Jesus is here in our  deepest need. God said He’ll never leave us nor forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:8

  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

Years ago I encountered this same picture and it wasn’t a  man in the water it was me.. Yes, me. But with this came a man dressed in white reaching HIS hand down to pull me out of a dirty trench and as I looked up I seen an army more numerous than I could see.

The army came with HIM as if they were protecting HIM. I realized this dream I had was showing me you’re going to slip and stumble but I’m here to help you get up.  Well, months later a did fall and stumble but GOD was there to help me up. I say this to all who may read. GOD knows your frailty, He knows your weaknesses. He said without HIM you can doing nothing. (John 15:5) I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Stop thinking you can fulfill purpose without GOD because it’s just not going to happen