Showing posts with label ressurect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ressurect. Show all posts

December 3, 2012


Luke 8:51-56

When HE came into the house, He permitted NO ONE to go in except Peter, James, John and the father and mother of the girl.

When a miracle is about to take place; not to many will go with you into the secret chamber to receive a RHEMA WORD from the Lord. Some aren't allowed to go with you on your next journey.

God will allow the one's who say it can't happen; because they knew you when, and it hasn't happen yet and it looks dead. See Jesus, told them folks that was crying who automatically mourn just when they know someone lays dead. Jesus told them they could stay right on the outer court and not allowed access to this journey that the other disciples were about to take. I can envision them trying to push themselves through the door and Jesus kindly SHUT THE DOOR BEHIND HIM. There's no unbelief welcomed here (in my words)

God says "So many things will ARISE when you shut the door behind you and believe what HE says." The one's who didn't believe when GOD said yes, can't receive nor partake of the blessings and miracles HE has awaiting for them that believe.
God has those that believe and pray with you, to be a partaker.

In verse 55....The word BUT means something is about to happen. After Jesus closed the door and called the girl to come forth; the manifestation appeared. When GOD is about to perform a miracle in your life; you only need to be around those whom have the same kind of faith without doubting.

Sometimes you'll have to walk alone to inherit the blessings and miracles because you're the only one that will believe the extraordinaire. In verse 56 it says her parents were astonished. If you noticed it didn't say they were all astonished, the word said the parents were. If you remember (3) of the disciples were in there also; but it didn't surprise them when she arose did it? They had faith to know when JESUS spoke things happened.

Jesus needed those who HE could depend on to watch the miracle come to pass. God want you as HIS children to believe every WORD that HE speaks.

And today HE says "Those things that look dead I'm about to resurrect."